Sunday, February 27, 2011

E! Interviews with Winniegirl123

Hey everyone! You may know me as the gossiper at E! or you may soon know me as the Elite Interviewer.

Every other Saturday I'll be posting all the gossip I got while interviewing a famous elite on stardoll, which YOU will help me choose!

There are so many people out there and I just can't choose who I should start with, so you get to decide. In the comments of this post, tell me who you would like to be the first person interviewed on E, and you can also suggest anything that you would like me to ask them!

Hope you like this idea,


1 comment:

RobynisDreaming said...

Um I think noelle_page is really nice and maybe an interview with Ghandoora? or the people from stardoll hour? There are too many people I wish to see interviewed :D But whoever you choose I am sure will be great